Quick recipe found on instagram...
1 puff pastry, 5 beautiful heirloom tomatoes, 1 handful of cherry tomatoes, 3 sweet onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of old-fashioned mustard, 1 dash of cider vinegar, salt, olive oil
Chop the onions and the garlic. Fry everything in olive oil, let color and stir often. When they have browned, deglaze with the vinegar, Let it evaporate and add the mustard. Set aside and let cool.
Slice the tomatoes into 1 to 1.5 cm rounds, salt generously and let them draw a little water.
Roll out your dough, and brush it with the cooled onions.
Place your tomato slices well distributed, a little olive oil, then bake at 180° for 35-40 minutes.
Working With Wholesomeness
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