sâmbătă, 7 martie 2020

Schnelles Hähnchen-Erdnuss-Gulasch

Very tasty recipe from Lecker.de

600 g chicken fillet, 250 g mushrooms, 200 g cherry tomatoes, 3 tablespoons of oil, salt, pepper, 200 g cream, 3 tbsp peanut butter, parsley, 2-3 tablespoons of salted roasted peanuts, 3 tbsp soy sauce

Wash the meat, pat dry, dice. Clean the mushrooms, halve if necessary. Wash tomatoes. Fry the meat in hot oil. Season with salt and pepper, add the mushrooms, season. Stir in 150 ml of water, cream and peanut butter, bring to the boil. Simmer for about 5 minutes.
Wash the parsley. Roughly chop the parsley and nuts. Season the goulash with soy sauce and pepper. Sprinkle with parsley and nuts. 
Serve with basmati rice.

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