sâmbătă, 7 septembrie 2019

Ciorbă de cartofi cu afumătură și tarhon, ca în Ardeal

Yummy traditional soup from Ardeal by Laura Laurentiu Ciorba de cartofi

1 kg of waxed potatoes, 300 grams smoked bacon or smoked ribs, 1 large onion, 3 medium size carrots, 2 celery celery sticks or a piece of peeled celery root, 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika of good quality, 200 ml fresh tomato juice or 150 ml tomato paste, 1 bunch tarragon, 1/2 bunch parsley, 200 grams of liquid cream for cooking (20-30% fat), salt and pepper

If the meat is very salty, keep it for 2-3 hours in cold water. Put the meat in a pot with 4 liters of cold water on the stove and gather the foam from the surface a few times. Boil it for about 1 hour. After boiling, completely debone the meat and cut it into appropriate cubes.
Peel, wash and chop all the vegetables in cubes.
Add the vegetables in the soup, if necessary add water. After boil add the meat cut into pieces. Season with salt and pepper if necessary. Sprinkle over the paprika and mix.
Boil the broth until the vegetables are done. Add the fresh tomato juice or paste and boil for another 5 minutes. 
Turn off the heat, add the cream and the chopped tarragon and parsley. Leave it to infuse for a few minutes, then serve.

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