vineri, 1 ianuarie 2010

New Start

How do you know you had a good New Year's Eve Party?
Waking up with a hangover...
Do you know the best cure for it?
Drink some more :D
Of course I made some New Year Resolutions, and of course I won't be able to make them all reality, but as everybody knows I'm an expert when it comes to planning, and what are these Resolutions but some good plans...
Hopefully some of them will become true:
- I will have interesting things to write here, not to post just pictures and clips
- I will take amazing pictures
- I will visit new places and meet interesting people
- I will stay in touch with old and new friends
- and the most important one: just be happy!!!
And what better way to start the year than to watch the Neujahr Konzert from Vienna?
I will enroll this year too for the tickets draw, who knows maybe I will get lucky and next year I'll be there in fron row ;)

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