sâmbătă, 28 august 2021


1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 500 g zucchini, 3 floury potatoes, 2 tablespoons oil, 750 ml vegetable stock, 150 g cream, pepper, sugar, salt, lemon juice

Peel the onion and garlic. Finely chop both. Clean and wash the zucchini and cut into large pieces. Peel and wash the potatoes and cut into slightly finer cubes than the zucchini.
Heat oil in a pot. Sauté the onion, garlic, zucchini and potatoes for 3–4 minutes. Deglaze with broth and cover. Cook for 10-15 minutes until the potatoes are soft.
Add cream to the soup and bring to the boil again briefly. Then puree finely and season with salt, pepper, a few squirts of lemon juice and a little sugar. Place zucchini soup on plates and serve with raw grated zucchini to taste.

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